First, a little backstory to the event.
I finally found Oracle. Closed. World. on Thursday, or at least a schedule of events. I ran into Cary Millsap outside of Chevy's and we headed over together...we talked about performance...of the Rays and Rangers and the fact that he was going to hold me to getting him playoff tickets if the 2 played in Tampa. Fair enough.
We were the first to arrive, so I ordered a water. Then others showed up and started to order beer. I didn't want to disappoint, so I ordered one as well. Then another, and another. (How does anyone survive these events? I know I am a rookie, especially in regards to some of these people, but...goodness, it will take me a year to detox). Did I mention that I had yet to eat that day? Important point. Fortunately for me, food was eventually served...but the damage had already been done. It was 3 PM and I was quite, umm, happy.
By 4:30 or so I had left and met Jake at the 4th Street Bar crashing his party of 2. I had a beer with them...then John showed up and we headed over to Jillian's for the meetup.
Let's start with Sheeri Cabral [blog|twitter|LinkedIn]. I'm waiting for confirmation from Sheeri, but I think I now know who she is/was that day (that's why I gave the backstory). I have a shirt with her signature, twice, right-side-up and upside-down. There were 3 women at the meetup. Vanessa was one and Chen/Gwen Shapira was the other. She had to be the 3rd.
As I am piecing together the events of that day, Sheeri (again, if confirmed) was at Oracle. Closed. World. as well. You see, I have an ID10T problem. Sadly I didn't talk to her that much, I have been reading about her for years and always wanted to meet her. So, Sheeri, I apologize for that. Perhaps next year I'll do better.
Editor's Note: Sheeri was not the one I had thought she was, though you would think I would have remembered seeing "Pam from The Office" look-alike. Like I said, adult beverages.
On to someone I can confirm with 100% much as someone with multiple beverages consumed can be 100% sure of anything.
Brian "Bex" Huff [blog|twitter|LinkedIn]. Like Dan, I met him last year at COLLABORATE. He's got a hot wife who I believe works for Oracle. He does UCM type stuff, similar if not the same as the kilted guy, Billy Cripe (who was like the mythical unicorn this year).

You may also remember Bex from this great Superman shot (no offense Jason):
Now on to Greg Rahn [blog|twitter|LinkedIn]. Same as Sheeri (if confirmed), he was at Oracle. Closed. World. Fortunately for me, he may have had at least one beer as well. I initially thought Greg was in the wrong place...way to young and good looking to be as accomplished as he is. (Editor's Note: This may be the "best looking bloggers" post). He's also got a wicked tongue and thankfully I was not (yet anyway) on the wrong end of it (boy, that just doesn't sound right).

How about the TalentedApps crew? Amy Wilson [blog|twitter] and Meg Bear [blog|twitter] (which I keep thinking is just her handle, and not her real last name). I'm pretty sure I gave them both a hard time about never replying to my comments on their site. They promised to do better in the future. Did I mention I had one-to-many adult beverages?
Oh yeah, Amy's husband Paul has a hilarious blog on being a stay at home dad, called Big Daddy Paul. Check it out, good stuff.
Sorry guys, no pictures of Amy or Meg.
Editor's Note: Amy left a comment and told me I don't know how to count, which shouldn't shock too many people. She also sent me a picture of herself and Meg. Amy is on the left and Meg is on the right. Thanks Amy!

I have to be really nice this person already suspects, or believes, that I am evil incarnate. Chen (pronounced more like Gwen) Shapira [blog|twitter|LinkedIn|company]. She was the inspiration behind the "faxing" meme. She thought I was only incorrigible online, but I proved otherwise. Chen signed my shirt "Gwen faxing around" to prove that she has a great sense of humor.
I don't believe I'm even close to finished, but I will call this one a wrap.
To be continued...
Great to see you at the meetup, Chet. Hopefully Meg and I count as women, so I think there were 5 there :) I'm sending a picture of us for your records.
Looking forward to replying to your comments :D
It's obvious I lost track there...thank you for correcting me. Please send the picture to - or I can just steal it from your site. ;)
Give Paul my regards.
No offense meant to Greg, but if he's young, then I am young too. :)
Greg Rahn, the best CSS mentor I never had.
Greg Rahn, who's chasing of the .com dream gave me my start in the DBA world.
Greg Rahn, Lover of Garbage.
Greg Rahn.
Definatley can't count. i am not too worried that you didn't notice me, but StanleyACED was there too!!
no mrs. lilley, i cannot count very well.
i did not forget you though, you are in the picture set at the banquet which is my back up memory. you will definitely appear in this epic i am currently writing. :)
Not wanting to be that picky, but I believe there were at least seven women there on the night - Marcelle.
wouldn't be considered picky at this point, though i think we have safely established that i cannot count.
ok better late than never. While "Bear" is my real [married] last name I had a hard time remembering "Chet" as "Nerd" just has such a great ring to it. Awesome post, I haven't given up the hope I will write one as well but alas...
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