Back in November, I checked to see the frequency of having incremental numbers in the date, like 11/12/13 (my birthday) and 12/13/14 (kate's birthday). I don't want to hear how the rest of the world does their dates either, I know (I now write my dates like YYYY/MM/DD on everything, just so you know, that way I can sort it...or something).
Anyway, SQL to test out the claim of once every 823 years. Yay SQL.
OK, I'm not going to go into the steps necessary because I'm lazy (and I'm just lucky to be writing here), so here it is:
select * from ( select to_char( d, 'yyyymm' ) year_month, count( case when to_char( d, 'fmDay' ) = 'Saturday' then 1 else null end ) sats, count( case when to_char( d, 'fmDay' ) = 'Sunday' then 1 else null end ) suns, count( case when to_char( d, 'fmDay' ) = 'Friday' then 1 else null end ) fris from ( select to_date( 20131231, 'yyyymmdd' ) + rownum d from dual connect by level <= 50000 ) group by to_char( d, 'yyyymm' ) ) where fris = 5 and sats = 5 and suns = 5So over the next 50,000 days, this happens 138 times. I'm fairly certain that doesn't rise to the once every 823 years claim. But it's cool, maybe.
YEAR_MONTH SATS SUNS FRIS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 201408 5 5 5 201505 5 5 5 201601 5 5 5 201607 5 5 5 201712 5 5 5 128 more occurrences... 214607 5 5 5 214712 5 5 5 214803 5 5 5 214908 5 5 5 215005 5 5 5 138 rows selectedI'm not the only dork that does this either, here's one in perl. I'm sure there are others, but again, I'm lazy.