SQL> SELECT TO_DATE( 20111001, 'YYYYMMDD' ) - SYSDATE time_to_oow 2 FROM dual; TIME_TO_OOW ----------- 15.8921065Wow. Just a little over 2 weeks to go. Time certainly flies.
As I'm wont to do, I've put off just about everything. For the last 2 weeks I've been scrambling to get a room. Two days ago I looked at the prices in downtown San Francisco and I thought I might be living sleeping on someone's floor, or sleeping on the street (don't think I haven't done that). It was even more serious because I had promised a friend of mine that I would cover his accommodations; he had helped me out last year when Kate got sick by buying me a ticket to get home immediately (end of the month, I was out of funds).
Yesterday I finally scored a place through airbnb. Somewhere on Lombard street, Russian Hill? Whatever. It's 1.7 miles to the Moscone Center.

In San Francisco, 1.7 miles is nothing. Far too many great distractions (people watching) for it to feel like a long walk. Bonus points for staying (getting) in shape while there. Bonus points for helping the effects of the beer wear off before sleep. Negative bonus points if I get lost, which I will, especially if I am alone. No sherpa this year unfortunately.
As soon as I booked my room, I booked my flight. They're still cheap too.
I haven't even looked at the sessions yet. Shocking.
Lots of activities planned though:
- Sunday - Oracle ACE dinner thingy.
- Monday - Customer meeting and OTN party.
- Tuesday - Nothing yet.
- Wednesday - Blogger meet-up, Appreciation Event
- Thursday - Nothing
- Friday - OBIEE Meetup thingy with product development.
Somewhere in there I'm supposed to fight with Kellyn Pot'Vin. Additional fun will be a repeat of last year's game, The Piwowar challenge. Personally, I like Pot' Wen(ch), but that might get me punched again.
I've been throwing a little bit too. They have this Home Run Derby...area, where I can go and throw my arm out trying to see how hard I can throw after 10 years. I may be in a sling after the first day.
It's gonna be a hoot. So excited to hang out with a bunch of smart, passionate people and talk shop (or beer). I don't think I've left my house in weeks, I really need to get out.
That commute cartoon was waaaaaay too close to home (literally, 5 is my commute when I drive). Last night 5 was fine, my train was an hour late... then when it got to me, it wasn't going any further because of a jumper over the tracks. And I don't mean one of those little wire thingees. I was able to drive, 5 was fine, but some cow-orkers took 7 hours to get home. I should give them my cell number...
Details on the Skippy/oraclenerd Deathmatch- both contestents will be armed with the tablet of their choice and provided by the contender's- myfi's allowed, but no VPN access. Three rounds, 15 minutes each, two beers minimum. Instant disqualification for blogging during the event... Points lost for jokes about height or weight...
Tickets can be purchased for the fight through J. Piwowar....:P
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