Monday, March 8, 2010

SQL Developer: Install Unit Testing Repository

Get the latest SQL Developer release here.

I'm not a big tools guy, I prefer SQL*Plus to anything else. I especially don't like paying for tools (yes, the database is a tool and costs a lot of money...I do realize the hypocrisy).

After Syme Kutz's presentation at SOUG, I've been looking more closely at SQL Developer. I've been using it (and JDeveloper) since they were both made freely available a few years ago. Mostly for the schema browsing, looking around, importing and exporting data. I do use it (SQL Developer) to write reports that I can share with the Business folks as well.

Syme's presentation was primarily on Unit Testing (which I begged for). First step to using Unit Testing is to install the repository, a set of tables the application uses to build and store tests and their results.

You need to have version 2.1 or greater.

First up, go to Tools --> Unit Test --> Select Current Repository

select repostory

You'll be prompted to select a connection (i.e. database) to use

select connection

Would you like to create one now? Select Yes.

no repository found

You're then told the the required roles do not exist, select OK.

roles do not exist

Confirm running SQL

confirm sql

Running...will take just a few seconds




That's it. Easy right? Future posts will detail managing users and creating tests.

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