I know there are differences between the different flavors of Windows, but it certainly doesn't feel like it. I remember installing a 9i EE Database on XP Home 6 or 7 years ago, that was kind of fun.
I'll stop blathering on.
Host: Ubuntu 9.04
Virtual stuff: VirtualBox
Guest OS: Windows Vista Ultimate
From what I understand, OBIEE was originally intended for Windows (Server) environments. All of the client software runs on Windows only. The Server software runs on both *nix and Windows.
So no matter what, I could not avoid a Windows installation. Part II of Installing on OEL would be "Installing the OBIEE Client Software", which is this post. I will not only be installing the Server components, I will be installing the Clients Applications too.
I'll stop blathering on...part II
I've already installed Java 6.
I've located my setup.exe file and start the installation

Specifying the directories, I accept the defaults. I'm also using OC4J. Next.

Complete. Next.

Point to the SDK, enter in my oc4jadmin password...hopefully I'll remember it this time.

Accepting the default, you don't need to enter anything here.

I am setting all the services to start manually. This is a virtual machine and do use it for other things. Next.

English. Next.

Summary. Next.

It's now running.

Small side note, OBIEE installer reported 100% within minutes of starting. It reported 100% completion for about 30 minutes.
Yeah, done. Some notes on OC4J. Next.

Restart your computer. Finish.

Almost 32 minutes to complete.

I've restarted the machine. 0C4J is started automatically (you can turn this off, and I will...eventually)

Now, go into your Services applet. To get there, go to Control Panel --> Administrative Tasks. There you should see an icon that says Services. Scroll down until you see the services that begin with Oracle.

All of these are stopped (trust me).
First up, start the Oracle BI Java Host Service

Next is the Oracle BI Presentation Server

Now let's test them out. Go to http://localhost:9704/

Now let's login. On the right side of that page, click on Launch. Enter the oc4jadmin password you submitted during installation.

That should take you here

Now for BI Publisher

And Analytics?

Now I just want to make sure I have all the applications.
Administration Tool

Catalog Manager

I'll save all the connecting of all the parts for a different post.
i'av installed the Bi tools n i'av followed the whole procedure you'av told but wen I want to go to the web page: http://localhost:9704,the browser doesn't open the page :s
hi sarah,
which version were you trying to install? or 11g? i just finished installing 11g so i don't know much about it.
if you installed, was the oc4j container running (usually in a separate shell window).
You've made a tedious process a little less painful. I don't like going through all of the steps required to install anything on my computer.
I don't like learning that such and such software is required as a prerequisite before I can put what I really want on the system. However, the images you used helped a lot.
Glad it helped, but I have to ask, why are you installing 10g?
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